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Product Photography Studio at HCM

Product images are a great “weapon” to attract customers because they express the message of the product clearly. That's why you have to look for high-end product photography studios, then MAKI Studio is a reliable place for businesses and companies for you to collaborate and make the most impressive product photos in Ho Chi Minh City.

Always let the brand's product image impress

Take product photos with many angles so that customers can easily trust your store's products.

Let products such as cosmetics… on a simple white background to make the product stand out but always show the high end of the product.

Create a product photography concept that matches the product

You should leave the product on a smooth background, without putting too many textures on the surface, it will be very costly and make your product not stand out.

Photographing products on rock faces or materials that you see will create the best product images.

Show the premium in your product

  • Showing off your products creatively and differently from your competitors will attract customers to buy more and have a premium in concept photography. Avoid cluttered product photos that don't highlight the product you're selling.

Set up the right photography light

  • Use wooden photo backgrounds, hand-made, hard paper as long as the product images stand out.

  • When taking product photos, you should arrange the background image in the simplest way.

Use printed backgrounds when taking product photos

The printed background frame is simple but easy to highlight your product image, put the product in the most position according to a certain layout.

MAKI Studio

With more than 12 years of experience in product photography in a variety of industries and fields to give the best advice and best fit your brand. You can contact MAKI Studio through the following forms:






SĐT: +84 (28) 62949798 

✆ +84 913990998 (for Vietnamese)

✆ +84 989893300 (for English)